Como cada año, muchas ciudades se suman con este gesto a la fiesta nacional de Irlanda, que tiene el color verde como seña de identidad

Decenas de iconos mundialmente conocidos, entre los que destacan el Coliseo de Roma, la Basílica del Sagrado Corazón de París, la Torre de Pisa, el London Eye en Londres o la estatua de Cristo Rendedor de Río de Janeiro se iluminan cada año la noche del miércoles 16 de marzo para dar la bienvenida a San Patricio (17 de marzo)

Dublín será el epicentro de las celebraciones. Su festival, de cuatro días de duración, arrancará el mismo día de San Patricio y se prolongará hasta el 20 de marzo.




London Eye, en Londres

San Patricio Coliseo Roma

Coliseo de Roma

REPRO FREE 16/03/2015, China – Tourism Ireland’s annual Global Greening initiative, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick, has gone from strength to strength – from its beginning in 2010, with just the Sydney Opera House going green, to this year, when about 150 landmark buildings and iconic sites across the world will turn a shade of green for our national day. PIC SHOWS: The Great Wall of China joins Tourism Ireland’s Global Greening, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick. Pic – Tourism Ireland (no repro fee) Further press info – Sinéad Grace, Tourism Ireland 087 685 9027

Gran Muralla, China


San Patricio Cataratas del Niagara

Cataratas del Niágara


REPRO FREE 16/03/2015, Dubai, UAE – Tourism Ireland’s annual Global Greening initiative, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick, has gone from strength to strength – from its beginning in 2010, with just the Sydney Opera House going green, to this year, when about 150 landmark buildings and iconic sites across the world will turn a shade of green for our national day. PIC SHOWS: Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai joins Tourism Ireland’s Global Greening, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick. Pic – Tourism Ireland (no repro fee) Further press info – Sinéad Grace, Tourism Ireland 087 685 9027

Burj Al Arab, Dubái

El Burj Al Arab es uno de los hoteles de lujo más conocidos del mundo. Tiene 321 metros de altura, y se halla en una isla artificial a 270 metros de la playa en el Golfo Pérsico. Todas sus habitaciones (202 en total) son suites,


REPRO FREE 17/03/2015, Paris, France – Tourism Ireland’s annual Global Greening initiative, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick, has gone from strength to strength – from its beginning in 2010, with just the Sydney Opera House going green, to this year, when more than 150 landmark buildings and iconic sites across the world will turn a shade of green for our national day. PIC SHOWS: Sleeping Beauty Castle at Disneyland® Paris, illuminated in green as part of Tourism Ireland’s Global Greening initiative to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick. Pic – Sylvain CAMBON (no repro fee) Further press info – Sinéad Grace, Tourism Ireland 087 685 9027

Castillo de Disneyland París



REPRO FREE 16/03/2015, Pisa, Italy – Tourism Ireland’s annual Global Greening initiative, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick, has gone from strength to strength – from its beginning in 2010, with just the Sydney Opera House going green, to this year, when about 150 landmark buildings and iconic sites across the world will turn a shade of green for our national day. PIC SHOWS: The Leaning Tower of Pisa joins Tourism Ireland’s Global Greening initiative, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick. Pic – Sarto Roberto (no repro fee) Further press info – Sinéad Grace, Tourism Ireland 087 685 9027

Torre de Pisa, Italia


Diosa Cibeles,  Madrid.

piramides san patricio verde ( ( argan natural cosmética tratamiento acne

Pirámides de El Cairo, Egipto


Puerta de Alcalá, Madrid

REPRO FREE 15/03/2015, Paris, France – Tourism Ireland’s annual Global Greening initiative, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick, has gone from strength to strength – from its beginning in 2010, with just the Sydney Opera House going green, to this year, when about 150 landmark buildings and iconic sites across the world will turn a shade of green for our national day. PIC SHOWS: The Sacré-Coeur Basilica in Paris joins Tourism Ireland’s Global Greening initiative, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick. Pic – Mathieu Sauerwein (no repro fee) Further press info – Sinéad Grace, Tourism Ireland 087 685 9027

Basílica del Sagrado Corazón, París


Torre de Hércules, La Coruña España



Torre Eiffel, París



Empire State Building Nueva York

El día 17 tuvo lugar el Gran Desfile, en el que cientos de personas desfilarán por las calles de la ciudad en un recorrido de cerca de tes kilómetros para rendir homenaje al santo..

Fuente: ABc


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